Step 1: Please enter your information below.
Failure to present valid identification will result in denial of entry to the exam room, inability to reschedule the exam, and forfeiture of all associated fees.
Please note: When creating your profile all BPS candidates must enter your name as it appears on non-expired government or nationally issued photo and signature bearing identification card or document. Failure to create an account that matches your non-expired government or nationally issued photo and signature bearing identification card or document may result in your being turned away from the testing center on your examination day.
The candidate's name as it appears on the confirmation email must match the candidate's name on the non-expired government or nationally issued photo and signature bearing identification card or document. Failure to present valid identification will result in denial of entry to the exam room, inability to reschedule the exam, and forfeiture of all associated fees.
The required fields are marked with *.